Healthy Tips

1. Eat at regular times everyday and on time, thus eat each of your meals(breakfast, lunch, supper) at almost the same time every day.

2. Eat your evening meals several hours before bed time.

3. Use a minimum amount of salt in your diet. Too much salt can cause high blood pressure.

4. Eat balanced diet. This means you must eat fro all the six food groups in their right proportions.

5. Live in a well ventilated room where you can enjoy fresh air.

6. Have enough rest every day. About 7-8 hours sleep for adults and more hours than that for children.

7. Avoid white refined sugar. It can damage your  health in many ways. You may take natural sugars like honey, sugar, cane, fruits or brown sugar.

8. Exercise your body regularly, e.g. Walking, jogging, swimming, riding bicycle, working in the garden are all beneficial. Those whose occupation does not involve physical activity need more exercise. You may contact your doctor for advise on the type of exercise suitable for you.

9. Create and enjoy some leisure time periodically. This is the time you take your mind off your routine work and relax your brains. You may visit some places of interest to you. Admire nature.

10. Never harbour hatred, bitterness or anger in your heart against any body. Find ways of resolving emerging problems and provocations and set your heart free. Control your temper. When you are highly anger, a lot of chemical reactions take place within you, which are dangerous. You can even die instantly through anger.’

11. Learn not to say negative things about people.

12. Regulate your alcohol intake or avoid it. Also avoid smoking.

13. Think positively, talk positively, have faith in God, be confident and keep good friends.